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ya me! WAT

would you like a fact? 

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i mean tark*


wat that mean?


Is Monika Online?

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Yes I am! What's up Natsuki? 


Nothing Much………..Just Privet Stuff

...Are you rereading parfait girls again?  

……………how did you know!

Well no offense, Natsuki, but you're very predictable...


Hay Guys!

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Yay! I’m Natsuki. I LOVE MANGA! and I have a friend named Monika. and you?

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... 5 more thingys about me

1.I like swimming but I can't swim :)

2.i'm a "conspiracy theorist" 

3.I'm practically OBSESSED with Canada

4.I have Trybiphobia (I DUNNO HOW TEW SPELL IT)

5.Im double jointed in many places (my nose,my toes,my hands ect)

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uhm.... why're you obsessed wit canada - a Canadian 

bc Canada is da best

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Hi, how are you today?

WatEr bottle


You spam, you get banned.

thank you leafo 


have this, funny pic of the game



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Ty so much leafo ;-; i was trying to get ahold of you because of the spam a the trolls but I couldn't find out how ;-;

lmao if u look deep into some of the old posts in the fnf community leafo is in some of them there is also a sticky post in our posts saying to stop posting bootleg sites

funny man raid

Oh lord....

i am too late

 i am so sorry 

 for what?

ppl are prob going to raid this place :/

dont be lol either we can reason them to stop or just block them

:( that sucks

Though we've dealt with trolls before

funny man is worse

how can you be sure

making skeppy in picrew



Can u make 🔥QUACKITY🔥 next?


Hi. I will be keeping a lot of info priv but I'm Queen. I like drawing and I'm 14 years old. I'm a pansexual and I'm a female. I don't mind being called dude or bro or any slang like that. I have 2 parents who I recently talked to about personal problems which I'm glad I did, they treat me better now. I also have 2 sisters who are very dear to me though we've been growing a bit distant. I hope summer vacation will fix that though. I also do gymnastics and basketball. I design clothes and ocs. My biggest crush is Double-Trouble from She-Ra (I simp for fictional people yes.) and I will not show my face anymore. Have a great day!

My friend told me I'm not pan bc I have never dated a person that doesn't go by he/him or she/her...yeah...BUT I DO BE HAVIN CRUSHES ON PEOPLE WHO DON'T GO BY HE/HIM OR SHE/HER.🤰🏾🤷🏽👹👽💫💩🌟🔥💥💀😍🙄🇺🇸✋🏾😜↔↕⏫🔣😭🔠👍🏽🔡

I'm Pan and I've never dated ANYONE O-O

eye still needa come owt tew two friends..I think tew


Hi Hi 

I’m Auggie I’m 14 my pronouns are she/they I really like anime and art. This is me at school 

And i just wanted to say hi

(1 edit)

SINCE theres new individuals here i have decided to re re re introduce myself :)

HULLO IM RIVER :D im 14 years old uhhh my pronouns are they/them i like anime and roleplaying and gaming and making ocs and vocaloid and red dead redemption two (gets its own category cos i like it so much) and looking at anime figures online and vocaloid and camping and Vocaloid 


That my current hair and this is me w out my mask on

ALSO IM NOT ASIAN... pollywog god aksed if i was asian when we did a face revaal bacm in the summee 

That eyeliner be bussin

And uh..ur a very lovley homosapien

Aww thank yiu auntie

ur welcome uncle..(we are not in Alabanma)


you pretty.

thank yiu too :>

thank yew!

(1 edit)

bro- how are so pREtTtyYyYYYy

Bro i dunnoooOOOo 

Genetics maybe?


Wait... are my eyes deceiving me... or do I spot... an Unus Annus hoodie. Because if so... I am currently wearing the exact same one xD

Bahahaha yed it is indeed my unus annus hoodie 😩 we hoòdie twins now

Part four bc yes

S o 

Me and my two friends were dancing and one of my friends went on tik tok and a Nikki Manaj song started playing and she/they said "the minions are barbs-"

I laughed and started dancing (I did that one dance where..its like bust down- idk!) And then the boys came so I ran away bc yes 

More stories comin ur way

how come ever cense yesterday, there has been trolls here? (At least Jimmy stopped, and I respect that.)

because theyre from the same community

.....wat community? O-o

some weird among us community

Oh I thought it was Fnf

fnf and among us

yeah but that was like a few months ago

Friday night funkin' community.

what about it?

More quote(s) 

"it's currently half past I don't give a ****"

ima chill. it is what it is.

Anyone here listen to SKZ?

(1 edit)

And uh also has anyone listened to In love with a creeper?? (By Danny Gonzolez and Kurtis Conner)

you wanna come in?

(mild nsfw warning)

Caught her ass in 4K (mr porteous is our shop teacher)

I understand but ai don't understand the acronym itself :|


it means dad id like to frick


oh dang. XD

what should her name be? :D

Ok guys don't get your hopes up...but he mightttt be gone...

Deleted 3 years ago


i dont feel like putting so many so message me when need one and ill send it


it says that i don't have access, so try fixing up Phrög Planet

no i have to give u a dif link


ik i did that on purpose i have a plan

Whatever you say!




gimmie a minute

Wait there are trolls coming back?




making wilbur soot in picrew






(One of many husbands may I add-)

Guys, we keep getting bombarded by trolls, we should just make a chatroom. that only has permission to us only. Don't listen to me if you don't wanna.


upvote if yall agree! ima start making the chatroom

i already have one made with a password on it.

good, but we need the link, password, and access to get in.

okay lemme jussss 

password is Frogoo

i will delete post soon so hurry

leave this post on overlord's page. and yes, I said oveloard

And make sure to get all of us. il make an list of people to let in.


clooudy i already have one madesdbjikasfbhu,

That's not a bad idea, we'll see what happens. In the meantime just keep blocking them cuz then you won't have to worry about it.

That'd be nice

password is Frogoo

i will delete post soon so hurry

deres no chat

oopsie i broke it tehe

got it!

it says I has no access ;-;

Jimmy is a troller. Same community as the dude from yesterday. Just block them.

on it!


So..I just took my SBAC! I'm not feeling like a total idiot rn 🤷🏽 but ye just wanted to share that

Making tommyinnit in picrew





Bseboevwne jeesus its been a while


hi yeah I've been off for a while how are you? :) 

password is Frogoo

i will delete post soon so hurry

that is FABULOUS 

Jump in the Cadillac...~

Hi Monika!

"Hey there cutie! Can I help you with somethin'?"         

 🐺Lukas Kravitts     

🐦20 years old 

✨Free spirit✨

🐺F L I R T🐺



klaus has found someone to bully

mmm-yes, sureeeeee-

Klaus rp! Klaus rp! Klaus rppppppp!!!!!


don't even worry about it-

klaus updated

his black dye in his hair faded

Ok but like he's so cute doe-

klaus has always been cute

a cute giant who will break your spine

um ok. Hay Monika!

Hey Natsuki! Guess what? I got three new members for the literature club today! 

OMG yay!



pls don’t tell me that the troll joined or is it gone smh

Good morning everyone! 

Monika here!

I just wanted to remind everyone that the literature club is always open to new members! 

It's a lot of fun, so I hope you'll join!  

W h a t i s a l i t e r a t u r e c l u b ?

Oh! Well we discuss and create literature, and share our thoughts with others!

But everyone uses it differently- 

Yuri likes to use the club as a place to read and think and Natsuki likes to use it as a place to store her manga and to be with friends! 

Plus we usually have cupcakes! 

Cup c ake

Would you like to join? 


Il join!


River shall join but they aren't good at literature or writing :|

that's ok you don't have to be! And I'm sure you're not bad at writing, everyone has their own special style!

(Hey is it a bad time..?)


(wanna finish the rp i think I lost it but I remembered some of u want I can tell you what happened there)

password is Frogoo

i will delete post soon so hurry

me like 😁

eeeeeeeeh you'd be surprised 

Deleted 3 years ago

of course you can! 

Deleted 3 years ago

Riku: I'll join--

(1 edit)

When ur not late for class *lipbites*


I saw this tweet in a tiktok and lowkey i cried 

Also what happened with sakura was she was walking in the village hidden in the mist while on a mission (this was the one that ended in them fighting zabuza) and she was on some errands and this little kid pulled on her skirt dress long shirt thingy and asked her for some food and or money, so she gave them a handful of candies and said "sasuke.... naruto" and started sniffling and it was very sweet

Lovely moment

-Lipbiting intensifies- a rebel...

show up 

E A R L Y. 


*Never watched naruto intensifies* 



So..part tew.

The two male friends were playing around and then me and my three female/nonbinary friend(s) were looking at them then the guy that called my Steve Harvey-ness thicc did something- (I can't really explain it) so I was like "did I just see something I wasn't supposed to see?-"

 And the male friend that just stared at my STEVE HARVEY-NESS in awe said "A-yo-" like most people- so then I said "he looked like he was gonna shove- nevermind" and then the both looked at me with their mouths wide open :) so then my friend said "finish that sentence" and I said "nahhhh"

Okay part three will prolly come later todays

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