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A another one babes

A sea princess  


Shes a Fish

You know what that means


You. Me. Gas station. What are we getting for dinner? Sushi of course! UH OH! There was a roofie inside of our gas station sushi. We black out and wake up in a sewer. We're surrounded by fish. Horny fish. You know what that means. Fish orgy! The stench draws in a bear. What do we do? We're gonna fight it. Bear fight, bare handed, bare.. naked? Oh yes please. We befriend the bear after we defeat it in a brawl, then we ride it into a Chuck E Cheese. Dance. Dance. Revolution. Revolution? Overthrow the government? Uh.. I think so. Next thing you know, I'm reincarnated as Jesus Christ. Then I turn into a jet, fly into the sun, black out again, wake up, do a bump, white out(which I didn't even know you could do), then I smoked a joint, greened out, then I turned INTO the sun. WUH OH! Looks like the meth is kicking in! aklfhaofhasfahfakh AAAAAAAAA afahfioahflkf AAAAA

Also, gay girl

(1 edit)

I ran out of ideas :<

edit: specifically for pride flags, I have an idea for the Gay Gal's design(spoiler alert: fish)

End of the world scenario

Completely forgot it was Monday, so I present today's second character: The Goddess of Roadkill!


Mouse :3


hmm yes cheese rodent



Pride Month Creation(or Gay Gal) #9: Polysexual Zombie Dragon(based on a request from Ba0Bao aka Daiyu)

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What does she breathe? Is it just fire or something else?


nah, just fire

but it's like really hot fire and it comes out of all three of her mouths


The flames could make a poly flag

yeah, I didn't specify the color(s) of the fire

also a different color fire could come out of each mouth, you never know


I have officially ran out of ideas

Skwish, owner of Skwish's goods

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they seem very polite imo

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When you work in customer service, you gotta be


yeah, you can't just punch a Karen in the face or else you'd get fired

tbf Squish is kinda self-employed, so there are only 2 reasons not to get aggro:

  1. Bro's got hands made of gelatine, they're useless
  2. The law

[                                                     BRUTUS PRIME                                               ]

[                                                    CASSIUS PRIME                                               ]


Pride Month creation #8: bisexual slime gal

Goopy :)




Here's a suggestion from me even tho I am too shy to make one!  Please make a polysexual zombie dragon next!


that will be tomorrow's Gay Gal(as I like to call them)

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[                                                    JUDAS PRIME                                                   ]

(also first attempt at switching from Paint 3D to Krita)

Fun fact: I actually forgot to colour the left hand, so I had to fix it in Krita. Hence the weird artifacts on the skirt.


Lil Tiger Girl

Cool use of parts!


Pride Month creation #7(delayed because I forgot about it, but got reminded by Dummy): sapphic cat girl (the flower in her hair is like the one from the flag)

I might need some more pride flags for the rest of the month(I am running out of ideas send help)

Surprised you haven't done a bi one yet


almost forgot about bi, will do that one tomorrow

Kitty! :D


indeed :3

Oddly quiet...

oh shit I almost forgot

thanks for the reminder Dummy


A remake of my old goblin girl


Gurl pulled a Sailor Moon /pos 

Except instead of saving people or w/e she just gets better at finding shiny stuff

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did she put her hair up so it didn't get as covered in the blood of her enemies /j

Nah, she's just a collector of shiny stuff


she just stands there as the hero murders people so she can steal their loot?

Nah, she lives in the present.


Hope u like it


an elf :3


Cutie patootie :)


Very much is a cutie patootie<3

Wendy's hair(I mean this as a compliment)


XD so  true, I take ur compliment <3

Experiment #572: "Gabriella"

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this is a totally normal human. the green skin, lack of ears, and lack of nose is from a skin condition and not from being an alien, so shut up, Dib


*steals your organs 𝓬𝓾𝓽𝓮𝓵𝔂*

...this was supposed to be an oddly hard-to-get Invader Zim reference(specifically to Zim's human "disguise", shown below)

Yeah, I was specifically referencing dark harvest (y'know, that episode)


I refuse to remember that episode


that episode gives me nightmares

Pride Month creation #6: Abrosexual cotton candy Frankenstein thing

I swear I was smelling smth sweet when I was making this

Xaldron, saviour of the many realms.

top image: Undertale battle sprites

bottom image: Undertale overworld sprites

(also this is rly good)


Dummy 'n Bish (wearing Gabby and Gwen's outfits because why not)

fun fact: I spent a lot of time carefully adjusting the colors of the outfits to at least kind of match the original outfits, shown here:

fun fact #2: the little guy in Dummy's pfp is called Qube I think I forgor 💀


made this because I was bored as hell

You're right about the name. I even made a 3D version!


I saw that (because it's like your profile background and I stalk your deviantart)

I also have the first appearance of Qube


from pixel art to 3d art

what an evolution 

Yeah, used to do lots of these guys. Now I just use it for textures.

Might make more if I get some ideas.

Btw, do you have an account?

(1 edit) (+1)

nah but I can make one!

I made one, linked here



btw Dummy aka Qube is wearing Gwen's outfit and Bish aka Disq is wearing Gabby's outfit (Gwen is the reaper and Gabby is the angel in case u didn't know)

Pride Month Creation #5: Wolf in sheep's clothing but omnisexual(not Omni-Man)

and regular omnisexual wolf too(as a little treat for all of you)

Last post didn't count, that was just a remake. Here is today's post: a sea angel.

She's a pretty little slug :)


my favorite little alien sea bubble

Felt like recreating Bish's pan fox. Mainly just a recolour, but I think she's cute either way.



10/10 improvement

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Pride Month creation #4(yes this will be every day of Pride Month): spoopy aroace ghost

guess how she died

Slit throat? Idk, definitely the neck tho


close, it did have smth to do with the neck





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The funny trans shark plush from Ikea


I have one irl




I love my Blåhaj

Pride Month creation #3: pan fox girly

Very pink


mainly for the gimmick with the collar where the stacked colors are like the colors for the pansexual flag

Y'know, turning a bunch of teeth in a doorway into a person isn't as hard as I thought it would be.

The Smile Room


the big nom nom

the chomper, even

The unknowably grotesque maw of an extraplanar horror, perhaps


god I love Trevor Henderson horror creatures 

they are very creative imo


Pride Month creation #2: Transylvia III, hatcher of all trans eggs

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Think I found an egg

(yes I know it sucks, but at least it's not Paint 3D)


much better than what I can do

also your egg hatched into a... 

punk rock lesbian! MTF transition. let's give it a 25% chance of an egg hatching into this. not too common, not too rare.


Let's go, uncommon drop!


I am trans female and this makes me happy :)

Huh, never knew that


must be one of the eggs she hatched. /j

also, welcome to womanhood! /srs

Opossums are the ultimate silly billys


so silli :3


so billi :3


Pride Month creation #1: a bubblegum anthousai who is also a radical lesbian

based on Roslyn, a creation made by Dummy



yeah I might've gotten a pretty good random hair thing and decided to go ahead and go the whole nine yards and make this an anthousai 

Ginger the fox


plushie :3

Fren :)


if I had a plushie that looks like this when I was a kid, I would've called her Miss Fluffersworth and had imaginary tea parties with her :)

More PPG humans cuz why not?


wish I had hair like these PPG humans


If it makes you feel better, they're probably just wearing wigs








existential crisis time :)

Great thing to see at 12-3am!


good thing I'm seeing this at an acceptable time to be awake like 4 pm

I actually had this drafted and posted it immediately at 12am (over here at least)

Also, it's a People Playground reference

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damn, most people would assume that it's another weirdcore post (myself included)

how on earth is this a People Playground reference(spoilers for whatever story there is in People Playground okay by me because last I checked People Playground is a ragdoll sandbox game where you brutally murder anything from humans to foods to robots and not FNAF)

Some gorgons because yes


hmm yes snek




we cannot make objects from object shows froggy. we can only make girls.


I made a ghost leviathan from Subnautica!


this is why I have thalassophobia


i like it

A faun that uses that little hair trick I developed


happy 300th post day(cuz this is your 300th post) :)


Didn't notice. Thanks! :D


you welcome :]


two aliens, one a girl who wears sandals, one a guy who wears flip flops, both fans of Bud Light, both currently in Florida


Florida man spots 'aliens drinking Bud Light.'


Aliens tell him they are 'one of his kind.' 

(I added another part to this Florida Man headline because why not)


Andrea the Cerberus (the Ultrakill kind, not the mythology kind)


is that bag a lemon or a golden apple from Minecraft(and/or from Greek mythology but I'm pretty sure more people know Minecraft than Greek mythology)


It's an apple-shaped bag made of energy, based on the projectile they use in-game



sorry I don't know Ultrakill


It's cool.

I think you'd like it


you know I had to do it to ya Dummy


The P-2 experience

Lil' Nugget grew up, but at what cost?

??? Nugget


Big Nugget /hj


puberty nugget

Instead of getting hairier she just became psychic

The Corpse of King Minos but instead of a giant parasite-ridden zombie, it's a cute monster girl.

Unedited version:

Introducing the My Friend Penelope Doll!™


I saw two moms in a Walmart fighting tooth and nail for this doll

must be pretty popular among kids

Classic Walmart


yeah, classic Walmart

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